17-021717-IM to MajorityReport tRump’s expense

It has already cost over $15M to pay for travel and security for the tRump family which is 1/6 of Obama’s eight year term. Estimates are $183M/yr just to secure tRump Tower in NY and Jared Kushner’s recent business trip to Uruguay cost the US embassy there $100,000 just in hotel bills for him and entourage. “This is an expensive way to conduct business, and the president should recognize that,” said Tom Fitton, president of the conservative group Judicial Watch, which closely tracked President Barack Obama’s family vacation costs and said that it intends to continue the effort for the Trump administration. Camp David is much closer and a shrt helicopter ride, but tRump insists on Mar-a-Lugi.

Washington Post goes into great detail here https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/trump-familys-elaborate-lifestyle-a-logistical-nightmare–at-taxpayer-expense/2017/02/16/763cce8e-f2ce-11e6-a9b0-ecee7ce475fc_story.html?utm_term=.18a9db6fb639

About ItheMissingLink

Retired longshoreman at the Port of Seattle. US Navy veteran 9 patrol FBM nuclear submarines; married 29 years
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